5 Questions to Ask Before Getting Dental Implants

getting dental implants

Have you ever been too self-conscious to smile or even open your mouth in public?

When teeth are missing, a person’s confidence to smile may suffer. You might find that you have trouble communicating and that your confidence is eroding. What’s worse, missing teeth can cause your bite to shift, make it uncomfortable when eating, and negatively impact your health.

Dental implants are the solution for individuals who have lost their teeth and suffer because of it. However, before you undergo the implant process, you must understand what it entails and what you should ask your dentist.

We have rounded up the must-ask questions in getting dental implants. Read on to learn more!

1. Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

The first to consider is if you are in good overall health. Dental implants are very invasive and require a lengthy healing process. And it may not be suitable for you if you have chronic health conditions that could complicate healing or increase the risk of infection. 

Second, you should look out if there is enough bone in your jaw to support dental implants. And if not, you need to have a bone graft before implant surgery.

After assessing several factors and determining if you are qualified to undergo dental implant surgery, you need to decide which type of implant is right for you. There are several types of implants available.

One option is mini dental implants which are less invasive and can be done in one visit. It is a great way to replace missing teeth. Just make sure you get mini dental implants from a reputable dentist.

There are also standard dental implants. They are thicker and longer than mini implants, which provides more stability for your new teeth. 

2. What Are the Risks and Benefits of Dental Implants?

Before anything else, ask your dentist about the risks and benefits of the procedure. While dental implants are generally safe, there are several risks and complications associated with dental implants that should be considered and minimized.

Additionally, you should discuss the benefits of dental implants with your dentists. The benefits of dental implants include improved chewing and speaking, a more natural appearance, and improved self-esteem. 

3. How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Before getting dental implants, it is essential to ask your dentist how much the procedure will cost. Dental implant costs vary, with an average price of around $3,000.

Indeed, they can be expensive, and you want to ensure you can afford the procedure. You can also ask if your insurance will cover any of the cost. 

4. How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Even though dental implants are a long-term solution, they are not permanent. Eventually, you may need to have your implants replaced or adjusted.

The good news is that your implants can last for many years with proper dental care. So, if you are considering getting dental implants, ask your dentist how long they typically last.

5. How Do I Care for Dental Implants?

Once you have decided to move forward with dental implants, you need to ask about the oral care and maintenance of the implants. How often to floss, what kind of floss to use, and if there are any other special instructions for caring for the implants.

Know if Getting Dental Implants Is Right for You

Dental implants are a big decision. They are a significant investment and might not be suitable for everyone. So, if you are considering getting dental implants, do your research and ask the right questions to your dentist.

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