6 Common Alcohol Purchasing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Drinking alcohol is one thing that about 60% of Americans like doing. Drinking is a great way to reduce stress. It’s also a great way to share good moments with friends and loved ones.

Not all alcohol is equal. When it comes time to find the right type of alcohol, you must consider several factors.

There are many mistakes that you can make when buying alcohol. Read on to learn about six alcohol purchasing mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Ignoring the Bottom Shelf

One of the biggest alcohol purchasing mistakes you can make is ignoring the bottom shelf. Most liquor stores put their expensive alcohol on the top shelf. This doesn’t mean that you should outright not check the alcohol below the top shelf.

The alcohol found on the bottom shelf might be cheap, but this doesn’t mean it’s poor in quality. Don’t think of it as alcohol that has a bad taste. Look over those products as you might find something new that you may end up liking.

2. Not Taking Advantage of Tastings

If you find out that a liquor store is hosting a tasting, you should take advantage of it. Attend the tasting as it’s a great opportunity to sample new types of alcohol.

Some liquor stores might be willing to offer samples. Don’t be afraid to ask if you can sample a product. You might be able to taste new products by sampling them.

3. Just Sticking With the Bottles That You Know

Don’t be like most people who stick with popular beer brands. You could be missing out on other good beers. There are beer trends to watch every year.

It’s a good idea to learn how the product you wish to buy is made. Read about its history and heritage. This is important to do when buying spirits.

This is the case with whisky. Learn more about whisky history and heritage by clicking the link.

4. Not Comparing Prices

Let’s say you like to buy alcohol for parties. You want to impress your friends, so you think it’s a good idea to buy the most expensive alcohol brands. Don’t do this.

Comparing beer prices is one of the best things you can do. Take the time to look over the prices.

You might find overpriced tequilas and think they’re really good. The problem is that those tequilas might not even be authentic. There are rules that dictate what real tequila is, so be careful when buying tequila.

5. Getting Duped by Packaging

It’s common for liquor companies to change labels and logos. It’s best to learn to recognize your favorite spirit. You don’t want to buy a bottle by mistake as it could end up being a costly error.

6. Ignoring the Mini Bottles

Do you remember those airplane-size alcohol bottles? Don’t ignore these. If you want to save some money and don’t want to buy an entire bottle, you can opt for one of these.

Don’t Make These Six Alcohol Purchasing Mistakes

You don’t want to make these six alcohol purchasing mistakes. They can ruin your experience. Not to mention that you can also hurt your pocket.

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