Choosing the Perfect Bridal Bouquet


Are you searching for the perfect bridal bouquet for your wedding? Or maybe you’re a wedding planner looking for one for an upcoming wedding? If so, you might want to consider these options.

When choosing a bridal bouquet, you might find yourself going through a ton of different kinds. Although they all seem the same, what you choose can make a huge impact on your big day.

So, here are a few things to keep note of if you choose a wedding bouquet.

Consider the Theme

Your theme plays a big role when picking your wedding flowers. This way, you get to choose a type that fits the vibe of everything else and helps build the atmosphere.

For example, if your theme is elegant, go for neat-looking flowers, like carnations. Roses and peonies are a popular choice if you want something subtle and eye-catching.

Check the Size and Shape

It’s best to pick a flower bridal bouquet that fits your entire wedding. Even so, you want to be sure you don’t drown in it.

A quick tip to see if your wedding bouquet works is to try it with your dress. This way, you can see how it lines up with the rest of your outfit’s details.

At the same time, you can see if it complements you or if it’s grabbing too much attention.

Harmonize the Colors

Aside from your theme, your flowers should match your wedding color palette. Once you find a type of flower you like and it works well with everything, check if the colors available also fit.

In some cases, you can get away with wedding flower colors in a close scheme as your chosen palette. But for greater impact, you want to make sure it’s the right shade and tone.

Keep Track of the Season

It helps to keep track of the season so you know what types of flowers you can choose from. It also prevents you from picking flowers that are hard to find or cost more by the time you need them.

When you pick wedding flowers, you should note the season by the time of your wedding or the month before. This way, it ensures you get the right type of flowers ready for your big day. You can get more information about different flowers here.

Test the Comfort of the Hold

One thing most people overlook when picking a bridal bouquet is how comfortable it is when you hold it. As the bride, you’ll be holding onto the bouquet for quite a while, so you want to make sure it’s light and comfy.

These could vary based on the size, weight, shape, and type of flowers.

Know How Long It Lasts

You may want to pick wedding flowers that last a while since the event usually lasts a couple of hours. A few long-lasting flowers you can consider include orchids, lilies, or dahlias.

Many also recommend this when you plan to buy wedding flowers a few weeks or days earlier. It assures you the flowers will stay fresh and keep you from spending extra costs.

Learn How to Pick the Ideal Bridal Bouquet

The best bridal bouquet depends on several factors, like the type of flowers and how it matches your wedding theme. Moreover, you get to enhance the overall vibe of your wedding and make it feel more put together!

Check out the rest of our blog to learn more.

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