How to Tighten Saggy Mature Skin on Your Face

How to Tighten Saggy Mature Skin on Your Face

The anti-aging market could reach $88 billion in global sales by 2026. People are becoming more concerned with saggy skin before they even reach 30! In fact, over 50% of women between the ages of 18 and 24 have already added wrinkle-defying products to their routines.

If you’re worried about saggy mature skin, don’t stress! Instead, start using these effective skincare tips. Learn how to tighten skin today.

Consider Your Products

The skincare products you use on a daily basis are your first line of defense against saggy skin.

Consider using firming creams that contain retinoids. Retinoids are chemical derivatives of vitamin A. A few include adapalene, retinoic acid, and tretinoin. These chemical derivatives increase the turnover and maturation of skin cells.

Hyaluronic Acid

Look for products that also contain hyaluronic acid. This compound attracts and retains water molecules. Hyaluronic acid can diminish rough skin, increase firmness, and reduce the depth of your wrinkles.

Make sure to review the ingredients in the products you’re using. Avoid products that contain lanolin acid, which can cause skin reactions. 


Try products that contain retinol. Topical retinol products can revive saggy skin. They bind to retinoid receptors in your skin cells to upregulate collagen production.

Collagen production is a protein your body naturally produces to keep your skin firm and taut.

Retinol can help decrease the appearance of wrinkling and sagging in mature skin. Retinol is available in many forms, including prescription-grade and over-the-counter products. If you need a stronger product, consult a dermatologist first. 

Vitamin C

A vitamin C deficiency could contribute to skin fragility, causing premature aging and loose skin. Look for lotions and creams that are rich in vitamin C.

These skincare products can improve skin texture and skin elasticity for younger-looking skin.

Lactic or Glycolic Acid

These ingredients can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to produce firmer-looking skin. They’ll remove the top layer of your skin to reveal fresh, healthy skin underneath.

These products can increase your sensitivity to the sun. Consider using them in the evenings. 

Add Tools to Your Routine

Tighten skin at home by adding a few new tools to your arsenal. Here are a few skincare tools that can help you combat mature skin.

Microcurrent Tools

These tools produce a tiny electrical current that mimics the pulses your body naturally produces. Microcurrent tools work by producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a molecule that acts as an energy currency. 

The electric current can stimulate your body’s natural elastic and collagen production processes. Using a microcurrent tool as part of your routine could prevent sagging skin.


Microneedling involves pricking your skin with tiny needles. When the needles pierce your skin, they create little punctures to trigger your body’s wound-healing process.

Your body will stimulate cell regeneration processes. It will produce more collagen and elastin, which can rejuvenate your skin.

Consider visiting a professional if you’re not comfortable using microneedling tools at home. 

LED Light Therapy

You can purchase LED light therapy devices, which use red light therapy to stimulate collagen production. Light therapy could improve your skin complexion, smoothness, and collagen over time. 

You can also find medspas that offer light therapy services to combat loose skin. 

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you’re getting seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Don’t ignore the value of beauty rest! Getting enough sleep allows your body to start the collagen production process.

Without sleep, your cortisol (stress) hormone will increase. Cortisol can have a negative effect on your skin health. 


Support your skin health and reduce the appearance of loose skin by adding supplements to your routine. For example, you can look into hyaluronic acid supplements. Consider collagen supplementation to keep your skin looking taut and tight. 

Our bodies produce less collagen as we get older. Boosting your natural collagen production can help tighten skin.

Not all collagen supplements are made equal, though. Choose high-quality products featuring hydrolyzed collagen peptides. 

These peptides can support skin elasticity and dermal collagen density. The amino acids in these supplements can boost your skin’s hydration levels as well. Keeping your skin hydrated is essential to minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Try Cosmetic Procedures

If the above at-home techniques aren’t enough, consider visiting your local medspa. A professional can recommend treatments to combat loose, mature skin. 


An aesthetic provider might recommend morpheus treatment. These treatments can combat skin concerns like traumatic scars, acne, and skin sagging. These treatments minimize downtime and recovery, allowing you to return to your daily routine quickly. 

You can choose full-body treatment or target areas like the face, decolletage, or neck skin.

Chemical Peels

There are three main types of chemical peels:

  • Superficial
  • Medium depth
  • Deep

Chemical peels work by removing the top layer of your skin to reveal the healthy layer underneath. These treatments can boost natural collagen production. They can also minimize the appearance of wrinkles by increasing elasticity.

Your skin should look healthier and firmer following chemical peel treatments. 

Laser Resurfacing

Your aesthetic clinic might recommend ablative or non-ablative laser resurfacing treatments. 

Laser treatment can rejuvenate the skin.

Ablative treatments remove the toy layer of skin, while non-ablative treatments heat up skin tissue to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 


Ultrasound techniques can stimulate collagen production to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. They can also:

  • Smooth skin
  • Enhance jawlines
  • Tighten saggy skin
  • Lift the eyelids, eyebrows, or cheeks

Schedule a consultation appointment at your local aesthetic clinic to determine which treatments suit your needs. 

Tighten Your Saggy Mature Skin Today

You don’t have to continue living with saggy mature skin. Instead, try these at-home techniques or visit an aesthetic clinic. The right combination of treatments can resolve your loose skin in no time.

Tighten your skin today.

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