Is An Orthodontist a Dentist? (Plus, More FAQs!)


Are you looking for a dentist? Would you like to find one that specializes in dental care but has other skills as well? If so, then you might be considering an orthodontist.

Believe it or not, there are some basic questions you should ask before choosing someone to care for your teeth. For instance, is an orthodontist a dentist too?

Well, the short answer to this question is, yes, they are. However, they offer even more to their patients.

No matter what your specific needs are, you should know if an orthodontist is right for you, so keep reading to find out.

Definition of an Orthodontist

An orthodontist is a profession that specializes in diagnosing and treating dental irregularities and helping to correct facial irregularities caused by misaligned or slightly crooked teeth.

As an orthodontist, the primary role is to assess, diagnose and manage malocclusion or bite problems in patients of all ages. This includes traditional metal braces, clear aligners, and other appliances to correct misalignments or misformations.

Orthodontists also play an important role in patient education, helping to give their patients the necessary tools to maintain their oral health over time.

Education and Training of an Orthodontist

The education and training of an orthodontist typically involves a bachelor’s degree first, followed by completion of four years of dental school. After the four years of school, aspiring orthodontists often must go through an additional two to three years of specialized education and training.

During that time, they will learn the principles and techniques of orthodontia (the correction of irregularities of the teeth), practice in clinical settings, and gain an understanding of the various appliances and materials used to treat patients.

The training also covers topics such as orthodontic issues in children, head and neck anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and radiographic imaging. To enter this profession, a dentist must pass the national board examination and become licensed to practice orthodontics.

Is An Orthodontist a Dentist?

Yes, an orthodontist is a dentist. An orthodontist specializes in corrective dentistry, specifically treating bite misalignment, overcrowding of the teeth, gapped teeth, and other types of dental malocclusions.

They typically go through rigorous additional schooling to become certified in orthodontics, and are equipped to provide orthodontic treatments such as braces, which involve the application of corrective appliances to the teeth and jaw in order to gradually shift the teeth into the desired alignment.

In some cases, they may even perform surgical procedures for more complex cases. All in all, an orthodontist is still a dentist and has gone through many years of additional training to master the techniques necessary for orthodontic care.

What Are the Benefits of Seeing An Orthodontist?

Seeing an orthodontist can provide a wealth of benefits for patients of any age. Straight teeth and a healthy bite can make eating and speaking easier, as well as creating a more pleasing appearance.

For children and teens with emerging or changing teeth, an orthodontist can provide preventive care and early intervention to head off more costly and complex care later on. Good oral health and hygiene is far simpler when teeth and jaws are correctly aligned.

All About Being an Orthodontist

In conclusion to “Is an orthodontist a dentist?”, an orthodontist is a post-doctoral dentist with specialized training in the alignment of teeth and jaws. Orthodontists can provide a wide range of tailored treatments to help any patient achieve healthier and more beautiful teeth.

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