Normal HRV Range: 3 Things You Need to Know

Normal HRV Range

The heart is an amazing muscle; it can beat up to one hundred thousand times daily! This means that heart health is essential, so taking care of your ticker is one of the best ways to look after yourself.

One of the most crucial factors that can impact your heart health is heart rate variability. Understanding the normal HRV range can help ensure your health is up to par.

If you’re unsure what you need to know about your heart rate variability, you’ll want to keep reading to learn about this measurement.

1. What Is HRV?

If you put your hand to your chest, you’ll feel it beat, followed by a short pause and another beat. The time between the beats is your heart rate variability.

The time between, known as intervals, can indicate the health of your heart. If you have a high heart rate variability, meaning the time between beats varies, this is good! High HRV indicates that your body is more capable of adapting to different situations.

HRV also impacts your nervous system. For example, this vagus nerve stimulation product can help correlate the difference between your HRV and vagal tone. Simulating this nerve has many helpful benefits!

2. HRV Varies by the Individual

Not all heart rate variability is the same. While there is a normal range based on age, gender, and lifestyle, it can vary from person to person.

Giving a specific range for adults to try to fall into normal HRV is incredibly difficult due to how individualized this measurement is. The easiest way to track your HRV is with a specialized device after talking with your doctor.

However, for most people to have what’s considered a “normal” HRV, there is a consistent downward trend as individuals get older. For example, adults between 20 and 25 will have a high heart rate variability of 50-100, while older adults can see a much smaller difference.

3. Many Factors Can Influence HRV

As previously mentioned, an HRV range can be challenging to narrow down to “good” as there are multiple factors that play a role in your heart health.

Aside from gender and age, your activity level will also affect HRV. Those who are more active tend to have higher variability. Similarly, ensuring that you have a proper diet that works for your body and drinking enough water can help improve HRV.

Mental health is also essential to improving your HRV. Stress, anxiety, and depression can strain your heart, reducing the variability which leaves your body vulnerable. Sleeping enough, self-care, looking into therapy, and journaling can help ease your mind.

The Importance of a Normal HRV Range

While a high HRV is great for some, don’t worry if you have a low heart rate variability, especially if you’re an older adult. You can always ask your doctor if you have any concerns about your heart health!

If you’re ready to prioritize your heart health thanks to the help of this normal HRV range guide, you’ll want to check out the rest of our website. There, you’ll find more health and wellness tips to help you live your best life.

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